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Список маршрутов Ника Баллока

Rock Climbing:  E7 6b & 7c, in Britain, Australia, North America, France, Spain.  

Including: Stroke of the Fiend, E76b (on sight), Flower of Evil, Wreath of Deadly Nightshade, Demons of Bosch, The Bells the bells!, The Hollow Man, and The Clown (on sight) all on North Stack Wall, Gogarth and all E76b. Other E7 leads include the second and third ascent of It Will be Alright in the Night and Authentic Desire(Cloggy). Conan the Librarian (on sight). Enchanted BroccoliGarden (on sight). Heart of Gold direct/Ramaliner combo. Free Stonehenge (on sight). My Halo, Tears of a Clown, and Into the Never Never.  

Other rock climbs of interest: Birth Trauma E6, Boboc E5, Rust Never Sleeps E6, The Gross Clinic E6, Tonight at Noon E6, Terrahawk E6, Crow E5, Ludwig E6, ME E6, Eraserhead E6, Long Run Direct E6, Lord of the Fly’s E6, The Cad E6, Barbarossa E6, Stiff Sids Cap/Cystitis by Proxy E6, Shittlegruber E6, Piece of Mind E6, Bananas E5.    

A solo of Right Wall E5 6a and Left Wall E2 on Dynas Cromlech in the Llanberis Pass and Pleasure Dome E3 at Pembroke highlight many other solo’s.  

World party, 7c+, Snake Flake, 7b+, Mr Joshua 7b, all on Typan Wall, Grampians Australia.  

London Calling 7c+ Arapalies Australia.   

Alpine Climbing:ED 3, France, Switzerland, Italy.  

Including: new Routes on the Grande Pillar de Angle, Lost in the Dark enchainment with The Right Hand Pillar of Frenй. ED 2.   

Border Line on The Sans Nom. A new 5 pitch start to the Brown/Patey ED3, VII/8  

The first free ascent and the first British ascent of Omega on The Petites Jorasses, ED 3, VIII/8.   

Tentation on Point Lachenal. 1st ascent with JonBracey. 111/6. 19th December 2006.  

Other alpine routes of note are,   

1938 route EigerNorth face. Winter.  

The Croz Spur ED1 and a solo of the Shroud TD, on the GrandeJorasses.   

Beyond good and Evil ED3 and the Rouse Carrington ED2 on the north face of the Pelerin.   

Super Couloir direct VI/6 on the Mont Blanc de Tacul.   

Dru Couloir VI/5 on the north face of the Dru.  

American Direct ED 1 on The Petit Dru.  

Madness Tres Mince, III/5, solo on the de PrиBarre.  

Scotch on the Rocks 1V/7, Pinocchio 1V/6+, Vol de Nuit IV/8- and Slave to the Rhythm 1V/6+, all on the East Face of the Tacul.  

L’Oeil au beurre noir 1V/5+ on the Petites Jorasses.   

There goes the neighbourhood/Cohen/Collister on the NantBlanc face of the Verte. V/5.  

Overcouloir/Country Couloir Mont Maudet with new variation, V/5.  

Fantasia per a Ghiacciatore Cirque Maudet V/5+ 6a.  

Ceccinal/Jager, (winter) with new start. Point Lachenal. Mont Blanc du Tacul.   

Colton/Brooks and Ginat, 1000m 1V/5, North Face of the Droits.   

Expedition Climbing:  Peru, India, Pakistan and Nepal.  


Peru: New Routes, Fear and Loathing on Jirishanca, Huayhuash range 6100m ED3 V11/6+ A2,   

Central Buttress Direct on Quitaraju 6100m ED2 V1I/7,   

Death or Glory on HauntsanSur Cordillera Blanca. TD/ED. 1000m.  

N.W. Face Direct solo on Ulta 5800m ED1 V1   

Running on Empty, new direct finish to the Jaeger on Chacraraju. ED1  

Plus ten other peaks climbed up to 6300m.  

India: New Route/Alpine attempt on Meru Central (Sharks Fin) 6500m in the Garhwal, reaching 6100m on the second attempt. Retreated due to bad weather.  

Changabang: An attempt to climb the second ascent of the Bordman/Tasker on the West Face. Stopped at 6200m due to lack of food, a tooth abscess, deep snow and minus twenty degree temperatures.  

Pakistan: SavoiaKangri 7263m. New route alpine attempt in the Concordia reaching a hight of 7000m and waiting for 4 days before having to retreat due to bad weather.  

Nepal: TengkangPoche 6500m. Northwest face, new route attempt. Two attempts. Failed due to illness and bad weather.  

Nepal: TengkangPoche 6500m. Northeast Face new route. Love & Hate TD, V, Solo.  

Nepal: TengkangPoche 6500m. Northwest Face, new route, Edge of Darkness. TD+/ED1 1V. 1600m.  

Nepal: PhariLapcha 6000m. North West Face, new route, Snotty’s Gully. ED+ WI 5 M5+. 1000m  

Icefall: France, Italy, Canada, Switzerland.  

Including: Climbing to a grade of WI 6+, and routes of note,   

Sea of Vapours M7 WI 6+, T3-Terminator M7, WI 6+, French Reality V 5.8 WI 6+, Drama Queen V M7 WI6, Nightmare on Wolfstreet V M7 WI 6+, Tear 6, Curtain Call W6, Weeping Pillar 6, Nemesis 6, Whiteman Falls 6, Dame de Lac 6, Cascade du Dard 6, Namenlos IV 6, Rьbezahl IV 6, Repentance Super 6, Patric Directissima 5+, Blue Magic IV 5+, Weeping Wall centre 5+, Hyhobia 5+ The sorcerer 5, Polar Circus 5. Kitty Hawk 5. Nuit Blanche 6.  

Scottish winter Climbing:  

Including: Climbing to a grade of IX/9 and routes of note,  

Cracking Up IX/9. 1st ascent, ClogwynDdu. Snowdonia, North Wales.   

Travesty, VIII/8. 1st ascent ClogwynDdu. Snowdonia, North Wales.  

Avenging Angel VII/8 1st ascent Ben Nevis.  

Celtic Connection V/5 1st ascent Stob Corrie nan Lochan.  

Moonloop IV/5 1st ascent BeindamphTorridon.   

Nemesis VI/5 1st ascent Ben Nevis Solo.  

Direct finish to Interstellar Overdrive VI/5 1st ascent Ben Nevis Solo.   

Snickersnap, Great Gable VIII/9 2nd ascent, 1st on-sight. Ravens Edge VII/7, 3rd ascent. Buchelle Etive Mor, Punsters Crack VII/8, 4th ascent, cobbler, Bulgy VII/7 Northern Coires, Central Grooves VII/7 Stob Coire nan Lochan, Neanderthal VII/7 Lost Valley Buttress. Inclination VII/8, Stob Coire nan Lochan. Babylon 2nd ascent VII/8. Darth Vader VII/8, both Coire na Ciste, Ben Nevis.     

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