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Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Author: Leonid Brodovikov, Pyatigorsk

Rocks of the South, Caucasus Mineral Waters


In the South of Russia there is one of the most beautiful places: Caucasus Mineral Waters, uniting 7 cities and tens settlements with advanced transport infrastructure. Each of the settlements is interesting for plenty of rocks and possibilities of active resting. Kislovodsk with its canyons of Berezovka and Alikonovka, kilometers of rocks, boulder stones and climate, allowing to climb for 12 months in a year at natural relief. Pyatigorsk with its opencasts on the slopes of the mount Mashuk , and mount Beshtau , surrounded by rocky massifs. Zheleznovodak with its own small-scared “Motherhorn”, mount “Medovaya” (“Honey”). There is only one disadvantage – lack of equipped routes . On this point mount Ostraya (“Sharp”) is lucky, on it from the beginning of the 90ies to the year 2005 open championships of the Stavropol Territory, dedicated to the “friends' memory” were held.

Spartakovsky gates, mount Mashuk.

Massif Orlinie (“Eagle”)

They were organized and conducted by A. Tcheprastov and J. Gavts. Famous and well-known in the south of Russia rocky massif is situated behind a small town Lermontov in ten minutes driving or 20 minutes going by bus from the city Pyatigorsk. The summit of the Beshtau is seen from afar. You can see it on going up from the stop near post office along the street with five-storey houses. When you come to the hill, straight on the slopes of the Moun t y ou can see rocky massif “Orlinie” (“Eagle”), that is still waiting for its heroes – route-makers. And to the left there is mount Ostraya overgrown with forest from one side and covered with cracks on the other side. If you know the way, it will take you 5 minutes by car or 15 minutes by feet to get the rock. The earth road comes to the rock from the vertical side, just to the meadows for cars and tents.

Medovaya (“Honey”)

Fine stream and small Ostraya with bolts for belay, fixed ropes and descending with descenders add popularity to the place. On the big Ostraya there about 30 routes for rock-climbers from 5b to 8a grade of complexity, from 10 to 25 meters long. There also are 4 multipitches 2 ropes long and 5 alpinistic routes to the top of the mount. There are not many stones for climbing bouldering, and they aren't cleaned. Best season for climbing lasts from April to October, best time in summer - Massif Orlinie («Eagle”) morning, before 1 p.m. and for especially persistent – after 6 p.m. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer: leonid.kmv@mail .ru

Sector A

•  Ziliboba 5b
•  - 6à
•  Tcheburashka Nindzja 6b +
•  Posledniy vidoh PG (“The last exhalation of PG”) 7 à
•  Sochi 7à+
•  Pyatigorsky korotishka (“Dumpling from Pyatigorsk”) 7 à
•  Bumbarash 8à
•  Iyulskoe utro (“July morning”) 7b
•  Laskovy May (“Caressing May”) 7 à
•  Pal-sekam 7à
•  Den Rogdenia (“The day of Birthday”) 7 à
•  Mutant 7b
•  Blitzkrieg 6ñ*
•  Zvezdochka (“Starlet”) 6b (2)
•  Avtostop (“Hitch-hiking”) 7à
•  Reverse 6à+
•  Chizhik 5b
•  Pizhik 6b
•  My love 6b+
•  Valy Zhivchik (“Sluggish lively person”) 6b
•  Kutuzov 6ñ+\7à
•  Opus 2 7à+
•  Volki da voroni (“Wolfs and crows”) 7b+
•  Kadavr 6ñ+\7à
•  Vipuch glaz (“Open your eye wide”) 7b
•  CS 6à (2)6à
•  Ligea 7à
•  Valery 7b+
•  Cascade 7a
•  Project

Sector B

•  Arctichesky pingvin (“Arctic penguin”) 6 ñ +
•  Zigzag 6à(2)6b
•  Strannie Ludi (“Strange People”) 7 ñ
•  project Nozh (Knife)
•  Schit (“Shield”) 6à (2)6b



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