Another violent spring storm on Kazbek (georgian name - Mkinvartsveri, 5033 m)
April 2006.
Photo: Peter Schön, Styria, Austria. 22/11/2007
Kailash (or Gang Rinpoche, 6,638 m, 21,778 ft). A view from Gompa hotel. Tibet.
Photo: Igor Kuleshov, Kathmandu, Nepal. 16/11/2007
The ridge between peaks Shota Rustaveli and Western Shkhara. Bezengi Wall traverse, Caucasus.
Photo: Sergey Hadjinov (aka HaSe), Saint-Peterburg, Russia. 13/11/2007
Lekzyr (3850 m) from Dzhantugan plateau. Evening.
Photo: Igor Pasha, Moscow, Russia. 09/11/2007
Katyn (4974 m) Saw, Bezengi Wall traverse, Caucasus.
Photo: Sergey Hadjinov (aka HaSe), Saint-Peterburg, Russia. 07/11/2007
Central Tien-Shan from plane. Peaks Pobeda (7349 m), Khan-Tengri (6995 m, North face is clearly seen).
Photo: Ivan Pugachev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) 02/11/2007
Cornice in front of Dzhangi West, Bezengi wall traverse, Caucasus
Photo: Sergey Hadginov aka HaSe (Saint-Petersburg)
Caucasus with a PLUS sign 2007 In memory of the fallen, whose souls remained with us viewlessly dancing in the silent majesty of the Mountains... Àâòîð: Vladimir Kopylov, Moscow