The treasured Mountain...
Big Pamir plateau led by Samani (Kommunizm) peak (7495m). On a huge summit ice serac of Moskva (6785m) peak rescuers are doing their work...
Boundless Pamir is behind...
Pamir, Tajikistan
(Panorama of two exposures 6υ
Photo: From Vladimir Kopylov's collection
Avalanche. Prielbrusie, Central Caucasus, Russia.
Photo: Innokentiy Maskileyson, Dombai
Panorama (250-270 degrees) from Cheget Second chair lift on Dongusorun and Elbrus on sunrise, Central Caucasus, Russia.
Photo: Vladimir Kopylov, Moscow
Peak Ine (3455m). Dombai region, W.Caucasus, Russia. May 2006.