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Evgenia Malamid
European Youth Cup - Kranj, Slovenia, 2005. The final stage.

Only a week hence the "Adult" Cup in Kranj, Slovenia, the results of European Youth Cup were rounded off. The best results of Russian sportsmen: Evgenia Malamid - 4th place, Alexandra Malysheva - 4th place and Ivan Kaurov - 6th place.

All results

"Spiderman" is placed in detention in Chicago. It is not known who had informed the police.

A 43-years French Spiderman Alain Robert was arrested on Tuesday morning for an attempt of climbing the outside of One Houston Center, a 46-storeyed building in Houston, Texas.

"One of our guys managed to clap hold of his leg and to force him to descend", - Alvin Wright, the official representative of Houston police, informed the press.

Alain Robert, a French skyscraper climber, is charged with penetration into the forbidden zone and storage of drugs. Alvin Wright also specified that he did not know whether the Spiderman had a recipe for the Xanax found out at him (a distressing medication that alleviates anxious feeling).

"I do not know where these people found out that I am going to climb the Houston center, - Alain Robert told in interview to one of local telechannels, - I did not make a crime, I did not make a bad ting, " - he added.

The police had been warned, and six peace officers were waiting for the unwitting hero at the site.
"In Texas you have no right to climb on buildings without the special sanction. The proprietors did not want to see that".
"It is dangerous: even if it is your experiment, you can never know for certain, what will be the end of it", - the representative of police commented on the situation.

Alain Robert became to be engaged in rock-climbing since he was 12. His interest for building-climbing started in 1994.


Final chord in Kranj, Slovenia. Angela EITER and Flavio CRESPI are ahead of all the planet.

Traditionally in a Slovene small town Kranj the competitive season UIAA World Cup Lead comes to the end. This time it went without great sensations and revolutionary discoveries: the leaders of the Big Cup Angela EITER, Austria, and Flavio CRESPI, Italy, came in for the victory.

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BEN MOON cracks his new problem - Voyager, 8b

Ben Moon sent a new bouldering in Peak Grit and named it "Voyager" graded 8b or V13. He considers it "despite of a bit of a classic" the best bouldering he has ever climbed.

Jump start, just five moves, a month of working, excellent weather - that is the whole problem :)


Jean Christophe Lafaille. Makalu - the next

French climber Jean Christophe Lafaille declared his plans for 2005/2006. His twelfth "eight-thousand" is going to be Makalu (8481m) - a winter ascent, as usual, solo, without supplementary oxygen.

Disney Channel airs Arco's Rock Junior

Climbing and Rock Junior Arco on TV. This evening at 19.45 Disney Channel's “Scooter” will air a program filmed on 18-19 June at the European Climbing Festival in Arco, Italy.

Isabella Arrigoni conducts the show indoors, while Massimiliano Ossini accompanies the young climbers on the Climbing Stadium and the natural rock walls at the base of the Colodri.

It will be a small journey to discover the young climbers' passion for this sport and beauty of this vertical game. Not to be missed!

All photos (number: 2)


Katya Yaemurd
Joint Russian - Ukrainian project. Jack Krivosheitsev, Max Petrenko, Mike Shalagin and Katya Yaemurd in Saint Leger.

Jack Krivoshejtsev, Max Petrenko, Mike Shalagin and Katya Yaemurd have their trainings in France, in Saint Leger. The engine went phut.
The driver has corresponding mood. But the other guys are OK.

Katya Yaemurd (Trial-Sport team) on-sighted 7ñ + and redpointed Le Mythomane, 8à.
Watch the development of affairs on Mountain.Ru :)

Debut! B.A.S.E.-jump from Matterhorn

Cervin (Matterhorn), 4478ì, - one of the most beautiful Alpine mountains. Practically irreproachable pyramid, four faces and four ridges, is rare careful rocky elegance at height one can find.
In 1865 Edward Whymper summited Matterhorn for the first time. One of the most improbable ascents - North Face solo made by the great Italian climber Walter Bonatti.

Now, it's a honour of the Frenchmen - Stephane Luchini, Benoit Paquet, Bruno Tauziet and Luc Taillez have filled in their names in Cervin history having made the first B.A.S.E.-jump right from the top of the great mountain.

Videoclip: Matterhorn ascent and B.A.S.E. jump from the top

All photos (number: 4)

Photo: Frederic Moix, Fred Rouhling on La voie du Charpentier
See Fred and... Videoclip with legendary Fred Rouhling in the lead

Fred Rouhling - the man of a ten-year jump ahead of the era "nine-graded" is still in a good shape. One of these days Fred sent a new 8ñ "La voie du charpentier" - an 18-meter line with five points located in Allonzier la Caille (Haute Savoie) area.

Videoclip of sending "La voie du charpentier"

Reinhold Messner
The end to disputes. The body found this summer on Nanga Parbat belongs to Gunther Messner indeed

On September 4, Reinhold Messner held a press conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, where he declared that DNA tests confirmed that the body had found last month in the lower part of on the Diamir Face of Nanga Parbat this summer belonged to his brother indeed.

That rebuts the endless accusations against Reinhold Messner that in 1970 he ostensibly committed a crime: left his brother to die to please his climbing ambitions.

UIAA-ICC Climbing Worldcup (Lead) in Valence, France, 27.-29.10.2005 Eiter and Verhoeven get on the first step of the podium.

In Valence the results of a penultimate World Cup Lead stage are given out. Angela Eiter becomes the winner of Big Cup ahead of schedule. Preliminary Maja Vidmar, Slovenia, is the second, Caroline Ciavaldini, France, - the third.

The Final stage of World Cup will run in Kranj, Slovenia, in three weeks. The Italian Flavio Krespi is enough to reach the final to win the Big Cup.

Igor Gusak comments: In Valence all of us made a poor showing. Only Katya climbed better and became the tenth. It seems she will run into depression soon because of her tenth places.

It was something for us to reach Valence on time!
Max Petrenko, Jack Krivosheitsev and I were driving in Jack's Pontiac while it successfully conked out in 350 km from Valence.

All of us were pottering about the engine since 9 am till 5 pm and finally it made us capitulate, we called a recovery vehicle to get our car to service and jumped into a train that arrived in Valence at 2 am. Taking into account that the isolation zone was closed at 8 am..... I was the strongest of four climbers failed to get into the semi-final. The others became beaten-down later… What was further I do not remember (probably it's an influence of weariness)....

Results of finalists:

1. Angela EITER, Austria
2. Caroline CIAVALDINI, France
3. Sandrine LEVET, France
4. Maja VIDMAR, Slovenia
5. Caroline JANUEL, France
6. Jenny LAVARDA, Italy
7. Alexandra EYER, Switzerland
8. Ja-In KIM, Korea

1. Jorg VERHOEVEN, Holland
2. Mickael FUSELIER, France
3. Cedric LACHAT, Switzerland
4. Ramon Julian PUIGBLANQUE, Spain
5. Flavio CRESPI, Italy
6. Magnus MIDTBOE, Norway
7. Patxi USOBIAGA, Spain
8. Thomas MRAZEK, Czechia
Editorial note: at the request of Russian climber Ekaterina Ledokolova a.k.a. Yaemurd (Trial Sport Team) promising well we inform to all the world, that she is the tenth again.
Stability - the attribute of skill :)

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