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Mountain photos - amateur
and professional photos of mountains.
Our Everest Team is international and consists not
only of Russian climbers. |
March, 29 Friday, March, 26 |
Viktor Kozlov dispatches: 0n March, 20 the team has arrived in Katmandu
and is planning to make its way to Everest North Face on March, 26. Acclimatization
process has completed now. The guys are a little bit tired after Ama Dablam
ascent and languiding with the Katmandu's heat but they feel very positive
about the expedition. |
Final Ranks: |
Friday, March, 19 |
(19.03.2004) |
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/, http://www.weltderberge.de/ |
Berhault and Philippe Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the
Alps for 82 days is started! |
have a flash call from Namche Bazaar: |
Moro reports: |
March, 17 a press conference devoted to the eighth stage of the project
"Big Wall- Russian Way"- Panasonic- Jannu, North Face will take place
(peak Jannu (7710 m), East Himalayas). |
Kozlov just called in with a live voice dispatch: Today, at 13h30 local
time, the second group (Petr Kuznetsov, Nikolay Chorniy, Vladimir Arhipov
and Gleb Sokolov) has summited Ama Dablam. |
Ama Dablam Summited!
Berhault and Philippe Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the
Alps for 82 days is started! http://www.glenatpresse.com |
Portfolio. Members of Everest NF Expedition.
The rest two disciplines were bouldering and difficulty (freestyle). Freestyle is a new entertainment kind of ice-climbing, tested for the first time in Champagne (France) in January of this year. In freestyle is estimated in points not only complexity of sending the route, but also virtuosity, minimal using of adaptations for rest (spurs etc.). Each participant could choose for himself a complexity of the route, pass the edges, make jumps or, on the contrary, to climb on everything, losing a lot of points.
The organizers committed a small mistake determining the absolute winners of the Festival, having decided first to count the results of men and women in the total offset. Unexpectedly on bouldering women sent the other routes and allocated the places among themselves, and on difficulty they sent the same routes, but in a little bit short variant (not climbing the roof). In the result, the mess turned out. Absolute winners of Festival: |
Berhault and Philippe Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the
Alps for 82 days is started! The tour in 82 days of the 82 4000m
peaks: |
Berhault and Philippe Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the
Alps for 82 days www.kairn.com
Victor Volodin on the approach to Ama-Dablam!
Info: www.ynews.info
Berhault and Philippe Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the
Alps for 82 days is started! |
Dear, friends! |
(2.03.2004) |
(2.03.2004) |
The information was given by Valentine Zhiganov, www.kirovsk.mels.ru |
News from Aconcagua Expedition of Russian Moscow Adventure Team of Alpindustria under the leadership of Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko. Alexander Abramov reports: "The last news from Aconcagua On the 17th of February the member of our team Vladimir Mozhaev ascended the summit alone because he did not climbed it with the team. While we were buying the souvenirs and drinking the best vine in Mendoza Volodja ascended the summit Aconcagua from the camp Berlin. At the summit he met the climber who spoke bad English. On the question "What country are you from?" Vladimir answered: "Don't put on airs speak Russian". It was Max Bogatirev from Maikop. On the 18th February Volodja descended the Base Camp and at the same day with his wife they arrived in Mendoza. The 19th February is our flight to Buenos Aires on the 21st we will be in Moscow in the evening. Probably we will have time to take part in the Russian iceclimbing cup competition at the Highland. " |
Russian Climbing Championship. Ekaterinburg. Bouldering. Speed. Bouldering. Yuh! Well, there will come "the young hooligans, that will wipe us off the face of the Earth"(c). No world of the song can be dropped. The champion of Russia in bouldering becomes young (a citizen of Korkino in past and nowadays a citizen of Ekaterinburg) Dmitry Sharafutdinov. He is 17, and he is engaged in rock-climbing since he was six years old. He started training in a small climbing gym in Korkino (Chelyabinsk area), under the direction of Sergey Ivanovich Sigov, and now he is a member of the combined team of Sverdlovsk area and a student of USTU-UPU. He trains together with his older brother Denis in Ekaterinburg. It would be desirable to trust, that it is our Russian "overdue answer to Mr.Chemberlen". That means to all foreign starry guys: Chabot-Uzobiaga-Ramon-Mrazek. Results. Bouldering.
Speed. Results of finalists.
Russian Climbing Championship. Ekaterinburg. Difficulty. RESULTS OF FINALISTS Women.
(13.02.2004) |
(12.02.2004) |
(11.02.2004) |
![]() Valery Shamalo reports from Patagonia: We have climbed on Fitzroy via the Californian way. This is the hardest ascent we are going to end off our expedition with. While descending we caught the cold spending the night. On the last rappelling pitch the point uprooted, but we were held on a snow. I scratched my hands and now Ii would too be difficult to climb further. Cerro Torre's is in the bad condition as for 2 months there was an awful weather there. We summited on February, 4. Having left from BC on 2-nd, we returned in 6-th afternoon. The greatest difficulties were on the ridge (snow, water ice). Greetings to everybody!!! |
![]() International climbing competitions Baltic Open will take place in Riga on 29-30 of May 2004. We are glad to invite You and the members of your club to the Climbing competitions Baltic Open 2004, that will be held on 29-30.05. in Riga, capital of Latvija. The competitions are held for the fourth time outdoors on specially built climbing wall (12 meters high, 9 meters wide, overhanging 3-6 meters.) and will include speed and difficulty events. Photos and results from previous years can be found on our web site climbing.apollo.lv. Previously competitions were entered by participants from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and Finland - so You are very welcome to join us for two days by the end of may and we hope to have a good time together. If you have any question don' t hesitate to ask. All relative information can be find in competition regulations in attached file. Hope to see you in Riga, For more information http://climbing.apollo.lv Normunds Reinbergs email:nr@latnet.lv, phone. 371 9403822 Regulation |
![]() News from Aconcagua Expedition of Russian Moscow Adventure Team of Alpindustria under the leadership of Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko. Alexander Abramov reports: "5, February. The weather is perfect. The half of our team has got sunburn of yesterday trip. Every morning begins with the toilet key searching because all the camps have their own toilets, which are locked. When all the difficulties were behind we went for acclimatization. After free hours of our journey the majestic view of the steep walls crossed by ice corridors was in front of us. We found the route that had been made by Tomas Humar and decided to return next year and change the route. In the evening we sang the song Katusha for our Argentine guys and taught them to pronounce the word Vladivostok. We became real friends and they offered us two bottles of champagne but we refused. Tomorrow the hard passage will be from the base camp "Confluencia"3400m to the camp "Plaza de Mulas" 4300m. All the members of our team feel good. 6, February. In the morning we were woken up by the noise of the helicopter. It was rangers they brought the bridge and tried to throw it across the river. In one hour they were successful. Our group was the first who tested the bridge. We supposed the day would be difficult but it turned out to be the harder. At 9 o'clock in the morning we packed the rucksacks and left the camp Confluencia. At first the way led uphill. When we appeared on the flat place. The river we were compelled to wade in some places. It was the fist hours of our way. We came up to the good refuge. From this place the sudden ascent begins it took all our strength. In the evening all our team was very tired and hungry. So we decided to have a rest day tomorrow. 7, February. We are resting today but nobody prefers to stay in the tents. The part of our team went to the nearest hotel. It took 20 minutes up the vertical to get the mountain hotel. You can drink bear, snack and phone there. After phone calls we knew about the terrorist act in the Moscow underground. It is frightful and strange. Our team consists of nineteen persons, there are two Georgian, one Armenian, one Englishman, Byelorussians and Russians and all the persons live friendly together. In the morning we speak Russian, in the afternoon English, Spanish and in the evening we sing Georgian songs. Tomorrow we are going to reach the camp 4800m install the camp and spend the night there, next day it will be the camp 5600m then we descend to the base camp to have a rest. For many members in our team the night at the altitude 5600m will be for the first time. Besides the weather becomes worse. The ascension at the Aconcagua for Artur Karapetyan and Robert Ulph will be like a test as they join the Everest expedition in the spring. We hope they will pass the test. Good Bye" |
Alexey Mesnjankin was the best climber among men. In these competitions he executed the third sports category on rock-climbing. With a difference in one bouldering Yaghoube Gonshenitsa-Roy (Poland) was the second and Manabu Kawada (Japan) took the third place.
Winners and prize-winners have received prizes - the medals given by sponsors of competitions, and also monetary compensations. The winner in speed and difficulty became a climber from the city of Perm - Oshvintsev Pavel who has established a record on the route for the speed for all history of the artificial ice climbing tower. By the results of competitions sportsmen are revealed for participation in the Championship of Russia in Kirov. The organization committee thanks sponsors: industrial group MTI, shop TOURIST, shops EDELVEJS and Alpina, Firm LEOPARD, firm URALENERGODIAGNOSTIKA and Sedunov Konstantin personally, for the rendered help in leading of the Championship.
![]() News from Aconcagua Expedition of Russian Moscow Adventure Team of Alpindustria under the leadership of Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko. Alexander Abramov reports: "4, February. The day was successful. We left the resort Penitence and in twenty minutes we were at the entry of national park Puenta del Inca. The path to the base camp begins from here. Suddenly a helicopter appeared from behind the hill and the man came out in a powder-puff and plastic boots with frostbitten hands. It seems to be that not everything is good at the mountain. We went up on the good path for three hours. There are steep rocky walls around us and the huge snow-white wall Aconcagua locks the mountain gorge. And now we are in the base camp Confluencia 3400m. The name is translated like Headache. It is the fist camp and it seems to be that from this place the problems with mountain illness begins. But the second meaning is likely to be "The junction of two rivers". The rivers here are rough and dark-brown. The familiar man came to us and began to speak in Russian with us. It was famous American guide Tom. Every year he came with groups of people to ascend the Elbrus. Unfortun! ately the day was cold and windy and they could not ascend the Aconcagua. In the base camp we were lodged in the big hemisphere tent its diameter is eight meters. The tents are perfect and the food is perfect. Our Argentina guys are very friendly. Let's see what will be further. Good Bye." |
![]() News from Aconcagua Expedition of Russian Moscow Adventure Team of Alpindustria under the leadership of Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko. Alexander Abramov reports: "1, February. After 14 hours of flight without landing for sometime there is not also neck but also coccygeal pain. Here is Argentina!!! Summer!!! Buenos Aires is the beautiful, green city with wide avenues and narrow streets built-up with houses of 19-21st centuries. There is a restaurant on the sea front, which is titled "Catch up the cow". You can take one liter of wine and meat as much as you are able to eat. After two hours of such meal we had to send for a stretcher and the city seemed to be more sparkling. As if you know what a pleasure this city! In the street we met a lot of Russians and Ukrainians even the dancer of tango turned out to be Russian. Can you guess who plays thimbles in the street? It's Chechens. 2, February. At 6.30 a.m. we flight out towards Mendoza. But in Moscow of course time is 12.30 a.m.. The guide Heber Orona met our team. He ascended the Everest in 1999 year and two years ago climbed Elbrus. Argentina guides are strong and we will be guided by August Ortega. He ascended the Everest twice and Aconcagua 73 times. Mendoza is fulled with verdure. Such words as climbing, rafting and trekking are understood without translation. We have bought the permits of the ascension at the mountain. It is cost 200$ for one person. Every member of our team had to visit the national government park personally for receiving the permit. So it was to late to step back!!! 3, February. After endless flights and journeys we took advantage of the opportunity to sleep till 9 o'clock. In the morning we were woken up by strange noise. The street cleaners were sweeping the streets with help of palm twigs. It took us six hours to get from Mendoza to mountaineering resort Penitence with a stop for a dinner consisted of a big piece of fish and a bottle of red wine per one man. The reality of life destroys the dream to loose the weight. I would like to say some words about the prices here. In 1996 when I was at the Aconcagua one peso amounted to one dollar and the prices were extremely high for us but after the crisis in 2000 year the peso fell down and now amounts to 3 dollars so the prices the same as we have in Russia. The way is leading through the mountain gorge and near there is a longstanding narrow-gauge railway, in some places streams washed out the embankment and railings are in the air. Along this way you can reach the border with Chili and to Santiago it is no distance. Penitence is a mountaineering resort its altitude is 27000 m high. We have organized the acclimatization and climbed at the altitude of 3000m. All the members of our team feel good. The mules will come tomorrow and we moved further. Good Bye. Follow the news!!!"" |
![]() Winter ascent on West Shkhara, 6B A.Anaev informs: Till January, 27-th the team leaded by of Andrey Grigorov and supported by a group Shanavaz Shanavazov was engaged in lifting a cargo under the route on Western Shkhara. Since January, 27-th the team leaded by Konstantin Dorro started to climb via Razumov's route, 6B-graded. For three days the climbers had not to climb further because of the bad weather conditions (a strong frost and often avalanche collapses). On February 3-th the weather became settled and on 4-th the guys are going to continue climbing further via the planned route. For today it has been fixed 15 ropes, the advanced group has reached the top rocky zone. |
![]() News from Aconcagua Expedition of Russian Moscow Adventure Team of Alpindustria under the leadership of Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko. Alexander Abramov reports: "1, February. What a pleasure to fly out from cold and snow-covered Moscow and appeared in warm Barcelona! We are all delighted with palms and fifteen degrees above zero. Spaniards drove us to the intransitive zone where we should waste our time waiting for the flight towards Buenos Aires without entrainments for nine hours watching through the windows the palms and the sea. Our team of Adventure with the cry "Boarding" seeped through the boundary sentry boxes. Freedom!!! We enjoyed for four hours with the seashore, seagulls, the local food, drinks and took part in the demonstration. When we returned at the airport the frontier guards were so surprised that passed us without visas. At first time I was on such big plane "The Boeing". There are 70 rows for ten seats. Who said that Russia is on the first place of aircraft construction? Good Bye." Follow the news!!! |
![]() Peak Lenin Winter Expedition 31.01.04 The team climbed up to 6000 m via Arkin's route and stopped to spend the night. 01.02.04 The guys made summit push. While descending Daniyar Mynzhysarov lost and vain attempts to find him did not give any results at night. 02.02.04 Searching raid was started at the altitude of 6500m. The helicopter with group of rescuers is planed to start at 11-00 to the area of searches. 02.02.04 At 11-00 at the altitude of 6200 m the body of Daniyar Mynzhysarov with a craniocereberal trauma was found. The group has started to descend with the dead climber. A helicopter from Almaty flew off at 12.45. |
![]() Peak Lenin Winter Expedition 29.01.04. The group spent the night at 4400 m on Lipkin's route. The team divided into two tents 1) D. Urubko, Krynin A. , D. Gubarev, 2) N. Chervonenko, Mynzhysarov D. , Samoilov A. Three guys Klunniy I., Mynzhysarov K., Tortladze G are staying on radio communication. The communication with the main group is steady. The weather seems to improve. The top part of the route looks not snow-covered and ice sparkles. Temperature is 30Ñ. The further work is under the plan. |
![]() Peak Lenin Winter Expedition 28.01.04. N.Chervonenko caught up the main group. They spent the night at 3900 m. Two climbers K. Mynzhysarov and G. Tortladze are lagging behind through they have got a cold. Further the group is going to work under the plan. |
![]() Peak Lenin Winter Expedition On January, 27 at 20:10 Denis Urubko called and informed the following: "On January 27 the group ascended Puteshestvennikov (Travellers) pass where they stopped on spending the night. Because of avalanche danger of the slopes they refused to descend via the planned traverse. On January 28 they are descending in a direction of falling of water on a glacier. N.Chervonenko and G. Tortladze stayed below in connection with suspicion on cold and will catch up with group on January 28 on the paved track. " |
We wish them a good weather, success, victory! “Krasnoyarsk” route on Ak-Su:
the latest news from Anton Pugovkin and Nikolai Zakharov. |
![]() Peak Lenin Winter Expedition 25.01.04 "We did the first full carry from the weather station to Lukovaja Poljana (Onion's Glade), the temperature is -25C, it's very windy in the valley, the snow is deep. On Monday, 26 we have a rest day. Everybody is OK". |
![]() Ama-Dablam Winter Expedition On January, 20-21 the team from Moscow National Technical University leaded by Vladimir Belousov made successful ascent of Ama Dablam (6856m). The team members are: Novikov Alexandr Novikova Natalia Dobrinskij Pavel Glebov Viatcheslav Timofeev Sergej The guys are going to Lukla now and tommorow they are about to be in Katmandu. |
(21.01.2004) |
![]() (21.01.2004) |
![]() (20.01.2004) |
(20.01.2004) CV
Photos Sara Cirilli/www.climbubu.com
(16.01.2004) |
(15.01.2004) |
(14.01.2004) |
Organisation Gerard Pailheiret Press office |
(9.01.2004) |
(6.01.2004) |
(5.01.2004) |
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