For a long time I wanted
to send you some photos from our winter travel to America, but due
to some reasons did not get around to doing that.: to write about
our departure, approaching, climbing, etc. I just would not like to
do that, because I did not have inspiration to open a short story
full of poetry and sense, filled with harmony with the world and myself...
But this time, in connection with last jactations, memories crowded
upon me: I and my mate Ivan were spending for six days under the mountain
- magic Teton - caught in a very similar situation: |
Ah! the foot-drawn trail
Of the mountain-pheasant's tail
Drooped like down-curved branch!-
- Through this long, long-dragging night
Must I keep my couch alone?
(Kakinomoto no Hitomaro)
To tell the truth we got
a satellite phone, but: before our start we had a consultation with
local rangers: they did not want to frighten but just to alert us
to a past four-week snowfall and avalanche danger especially on the
approach to Teton, poor weather forecast for the nearest six days
and, in general, climbers do not ascend Grand Teton in winter at all.
Aside from that a dense fog laid around, and even the narrow gorge
where we had to dive was not visible, besides a chance to get to the
bear's clasp... Well, we stayed all alone. |
Grand Teton
When to Tago's coast
I the way have gone, and see
Perfect whiteness laid
On Mount Fuji's lofty peak
By the drift of falling snow.
(Yamabe no Akahito)
Actually I don't want to write
and now: it's not a man deal to unbutton your soul - may be when you
are overcome by drink... But with the increase of the years future
and losses become to be understood more perceant taking away particles
of you and leaving sad memoirs about former and clenched hands into
hard fists. |
Just by being,
I'm here - in the snow-fall.
From deep in my heart
Kokoro kara how beautiful the snow yuki utsukushi
ya clouds of the west. nishi no kumo
On the ridge
In fact it is always easier
to leave than to remain. In movement you do not feel keenly the reality,
you become to be enamoured of disguises, vanity, exertion and daily
occurrence. This is no right understanding of the situation, heart-searching
and estimation of your niche in the world and the world in your soul,
later, later...
And really you would like to think with the categories of eternity,
love and to believe in elective affinity. |
Night illusions
If I should live long,
Then perhaps the present days
May be dear to me,
Just as past time filled with grief
Comes quietly back in thought.
(Fujiwara no Kiyosuke)
Sylvan imaginations
Well, coming back there,
to America or just to winter mountains, at low temperatures (negative
25-35Ρ), you practically have no chances - some hours and a night,
then in the morning we don't need your help.
Therefore this brings up the question: why people need all of this?
Longs in reflection
Life! Thou string of gems!
If thou art to end, break now.
For, if yet I live,
All I do to hide (my love)
May at last grow weak (and fail).
(Shokushi Naishinno)
Let the winds of heaven
Blow through the paths among the clouds
And close their gates.
Then for a while I could detain
These messengers in maiden form.
(The Monk Henjo)
Zamok on a dawn
All the same I believe in elective affinity,
I feel repressed and cooped in world of big cities, exquisite attitudes
and television feelings. I can't get enough sincerity, naturalnesses
and love there. |
Someone is living there;
smoke leaks through the wall,
in the spring rain.
At daylight
All of these words are just my feelings.
They would seem chaotic and inconsistent, but I know that you will
understand me. |
Outside the window of the tent
Ah! within the world,
Way of flight I find nowhere.
I had thought to hide
In the mountains' farthest depths;
Yet e'en there the stag's cry sounds.
(Kwotai Kogu no Tayu Toshinari)
Camp under
Ah! within the world,
Way of flight I find nowhere.
I had thought to hide
In the mountains' farthest depths;
Yet e'en there the stag's cry sounds.
(Kwotai Kogu no Tayu Toshinari)
Decline under Teton
Winter loneliness
In a mountain hamlet grows
Only deeper, when
Guests are gone, and leaves and grass
Withered are;--so runs my thought.
(Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason)
Upon this pathway,
I have long heard others say,
man sets forth at last -
yet I had not thought to go
so very soon as today
(Ariwara Narihira)