SALAVAT Rakhmetov talk
to Anna Piunova
Direct Interview for Mountain.RU
MR: Well, tell right from
the beginning. Why did this sport draw you? Why did not you leave it
and stay in it? Did the results turn out successful at once? Who were
your first coaches?
S.R.: My older brother Kayrat
was engaged in rock-climbing since 1978 and he brought me there. That
time I was fond of track and field athletics, ran (distances 800-1500
meters), jumped at length a little. In 1984 I stopped to run on "horizontal"
and began to run on "vertical". Practically from the first trainings
I start to climb. In a year I won a championship of Alma-Ata and a championship
of Kazakhstan. First my coach was V.A. Gorbunov, and approximately after
one and a half of year training I went to Arhipov Sergey Markovich ("Spartak"
team). I won't tell about the reason of this, but may be I’ll write
about that to the Memoirs (in 15-20 years).

Historical photo, approximately, 1988-89.
Irina Bakaleynikova, Kayrat Rakhmetov, Salavat Rakhmetov and John
MR: How did you get to
the combined team of the Soviet Union? What did that mean for you? Tell
about the situation in mountaineering in those years, competitions,
S.R.: I won the 2nd place
in climbing pair races in the championship of the USSR (Gagry, 1986),
and was taken in the USSR combined team. That time the leaders were
Chertov Alexey (Kaliningrad), Balezin Valery (Krasnoyarsk), Galiakbarov
Raykhan (Sverdlovsk), etc. The competitions were carried on rocks, lines
were open; it had a great value in what group you would start to climb.
Even before the start you had to fight in a team to get in the best
group (first third group was the best, then the second, then the first).
About trainings: in winter we paid
more attention to physical training, on Saturdays and Sundays we left
on rocks in the mountains (it took 30-40 minutes from the city). If
the weather was bad I simply walked ascending Chimbulak or Tuyuk-Su
(2300 m). During my serving in the armed forces (1986-1988, TSSKA Alma-Ata)
I was engaged in mountaineering and nearly executed the first-class
norms (without ascents on two mountains 4b and 5à graded). Every year
on March, 23-30 we left on rocks in the river Ili area, in 100 km from
Alma-Ata. In a warm season we usually climbed rocks, frequently went
to the Crimea, and during such trips I tried to keep good shape-form,
practically every day pull myself up on a board which I always carried
with myself (the board was folding and fixed in a doorway).

The Crimea, 2004.
MR: Difficulty or bouldering?
S.R.: To tell the truth, I
started to take part in bouldering events earlier, than in difficulty
ones, my first starts were in 1986 on rocks of the river Ili, I do not
remember exactly, but, it might have been the championship of Alma-Ata.
The lines were set on 3-4 meters boulders.
In 1987 there was a demonstration
bouldering starts in the championship of the USSR on the stones near
"Krylo Lebedya (Wing of Swan)" rock (the Crimea) and already in 1988
they officially carried out bouldering event in the championship of
the USSR on the stones under "Kastropol" wall (the Crimea) where I won
the first place.
Till 1988 we competed in speed (pair
races, individual climbing) and in Dombay Roped Couples.

The Crimea, 2004.
When the combined team of the USSR
began to take part in World Climbing Cup events, in soviet rock-climbing
reorganization started, everyone began to climb in difficulty, because
in Europe practically all climbers climbed and competed in difficulty.
In the spring of 1989 in the championship
of the USSR difficulty event was carried out in Nikita (the Crimea),
and the same year Vershinin Michael bolted some lines on the Red stone.
Then Frenchmen (one of them was Jacky Godoff) visited the Crimea and
bolted some lines in Nikita too.
As to my changing specialization
from difficulty to bouldering: there is a very high level of training
of sportsmen nowadays. It is practically impossible to combine these
two kinds of climbing because of their absolutely different physical
strength; therefore I decided to compete in bouldering. First, I've
been more successful in it; second, it goes very well with my climbing
style (dynamics). It is easier to me to send short, but a very complex
problem that require maximal forces than the long one (needed great

Italy, "Wild bouldering"
MR: What do you mean about the
features of bouldering trainings?
S.R.: One of my trainings:
5-10min of jogging, good warm-up, a bit stretching;
I can send a problem of 30-40 moves
(8à graded) for the beginning, rest 15 min, during rest I think out
some problems, then I start to climb alternating simple lines with complex
ones. I invent one or two lines impassable for me for that moment -
and gradually, during the subsequent trainings I press for their sending
without falls.
The character and technique of trainings
depend on your tasks and your physical, technical form. I have described
one of trainings at my certain training stage.

Russian Bouldering Cup, April, 9-11, 2004
MR: For many years you have occupy
the leading positions in world rock-climbing rating. How do you manage
to do that? (How do you cope with psychological weariness? And how do
you keep your shape-form? What about your motivation?)
S.R.: Since 1989 as I began
took part in international rock-climbing competitions, and till nowadays
I keep in world ten leaders, in different kinds, first in speed, then
in difficulty, and recently in bouldering. There were times when I had
a bad rating: I had passed several starts (because of problems with
getting visas, etc.). In the psychological factor my right attitude
to my occupation helps me: I try to take pleasure in climbing process,
instead of from result. Competitions are the main stimulus for trainings
(and it does not matter what competition).
I used to like to compete when I
was a child. I especially liked to surprise people making a trick (to
climb on a roof in unusual way, climb from one tree on another not falling
on the ground, hide in such nook that nobody could find me or not to
drink water all the day long, when the temperature was about 30-degrees,
probably, therefore now I am so wiry). But It seems to me I am getting
off the point. Well, let's go further.

World Rock-climbing Championship, 2003,
Chamonix, Bouldering, Final
MR: Would you give a piece of
advice about competition starts: what, first of all, to pay attention
on? How correctly to make up your mind?
S.R.: Psychological mood before
the start is of great importance for me.
I have three category of it:
1. Global - in the beginning of the
year I plan on what starts I will participate.
2. Concentrate on concrete competitions,
approximately three weeks prior to the start all ideas and trainings
aimed at this purpose, I try to leave household problems on the second
3. Concentrate directly to start:
correctly and in time to warm up, during start to try to think only
about of the lines, to read them correctly and send first go.