Vladimir Markov, Vladivostok
Domestic volcanos.
Avachinskaya sopka mud volcano.
The way to Avachinskaya sopka mud volcano's
foot goes on Sukhaya (Dry) small river.
Avachinskaya sopka mud volcano
(2741m), southwest face. |
Judging from inclination of fuming fumaroles
there is a strong wind at the top. |
There is nothing to hide where, we have
to move only upwards. |
Weather varies under our very eyes. |
"Collar", the old cone of the volcano, is
much closer. |
At last we reached the old cone of the
Anton Shapovalov in the beginning of our ascent on the volcano. |
Our base is distinctly visible below. |
Work on the slope is just beginning. |
Volcanic caldera is absolutely close. |
Fumarole fields, the smell of hydrogen sulphide is depressing. |
You have to be cautious moving here, it is possible to fall
in active fumarole. |
Avachinskaya sopka volcanic caldera (2741m) |
Volcanic plug - the stiffened lava on the all diameter of caldera.
Fumaroles hot air can warm your .... |
Southwest slope of Avachinskaya sopka mud volcano. "Camel",
the stone idol, is distinctly looked through on the cofferdam.
The photo is made from Koryakskaya sopka slopes. |
Clouds from the sea attack. |
Southeast slope of volcano Avachinskaya sopka, view from Kozelsky
volcano slopes. |
"Verblyud (Camel)" Rock. The cofferdam between volcanos Koryakskaya
sopka and Avachinskaya sopka. |
Avachinskaya sopka mud volcano (2741m). "Collar", the old cone,
is distinctly visible in the average part of the slope. |