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The author: Pokrovsky Oleg, France



Avachinskaya Sopka

It is said, people are taken ill with Kamchatka in the same way as with mountains. It may be so. Though the first, as against the last, I have not tested on myself. It appears to go in favorite mountains under own initiative, for rest, and to be there by virtue of official duties are not the same things.

Pokrovsky Oleg - the senior research assistant of laboratory of Geochemistry, a centre of science of researches of France, Toulouse; candidate of geological -mineralogical sciences; author more than 50 scientific works of geochemistry, ecology and physical chemistry. He is an amateur climber. The most significant tops he has climbed - Gestola, Aguiller Verte, La Tour Ronde face nord january etc...

Well, I would like to show Kamchatka to you. And not because, that I have collected many impressions and photos. First of all because of that fact that a lot of "new" travellers has appeared bringing glory to natural beauty of mountains of the entire world with the big passion. In spite of these beauty are have been already not bad described and shown without them. And they have not frequently been farther than Crimea and Caucasus in their own native land. And on the same Kamchatka you can meet the people from New Caledonia, which have done a way through a half of the world to get in a place of their dream. And they have not regretted about it. Because you can not find any place on our planet more beautiful and more various than Kamchatka.

Within last 3 years I could participate and organize three scientific expeditions to the Central Kamchatka of the common duration over three months. I would like to tell what we saw and how it was beautiful.

Kamchatka is the territory of woods, rivers, lakes, bogs, mountains, glaciers, boiling sources and, certainly, volcanoes. By virtue of our scientific tasks we was limited to areas of volcanoes Karymsky, Tolbachik and Mutnovsky, and also investigated more than 50 large and small rivers in the central part of peninsula and inflows of the largest river - Kamchatka - down to a settlement Klyuchi (Keys) and a volcano Shiveluch


In the summer of 2000 we carried out researches on the rivers of the peninsula, and we did not climb the big mountains, we saw them only from the helicopter and from valleys. But we felt their beauty and attractiveness.


Central Kamchatka rang


The pearls of the peninsula are

Karymsky volcano




the crater acid lake of Malyi Semyachik volcano



Caldera Uzon

Valley of geysers



They are the standard promoted "hits" of the organized tourist routes.

The Northern part of the peninsula is the most attractive for mountain climbers, there are exactly the highest active volcanoes of Eurasia here (S.Surinkova's photos)



lake Tolbachik

In contradistinction to the Central part (Karymsky - Uzon) where a simple tourist can't get in the summer without a helicopter (in the winter it is possible to reach up to Karymsky volcano on skis from city), the Northern part is quite accessible. The trip bus goes here (up to the settlement of Klyuchi (Keys) for example). Farther - on foot or using a convenient opportunity by car. It is quite realistic.

A volcanic desert - a martian landscape around of active volcanoes - is unusually beautiful, though depressing

We are insistent that you do not butt in such places without a guide or GPS with registered coordinates of the camp. Certainly, it is not the plateau of the Southern saddle of Everest, but in a fog and if it is incessant raining for a whole week you will have a rough time.

If you travel in the area of Klyuchi (Keys) , you must visit a settlement of Esso - the Kamchatka’s Switzerland as locals named it. In the middle of the settlement surrounded with the most exiting mountains, there is a huge open pool with natural warm water. Having plunged in it in any weather you can enjoy Kamchatka Light Beer. Not from pool, naturally.

On the same bank of the Kamchatka River there is volcano Shiveluch, one of the most "ominous" and active volcanoes of Kamchatka. I do not know, whether it is necessary to go on it. First, it is frequently active and almost constantly smokes. Yes, besides, there is a Military unit near.

You will be better to climb Tolbanchik if the weather is good to do it.


2002-2003 ã.

Last two summers we were engaged in research of hot sources on volcanoes Karymsky and Mutnovsky.

Volcano Karymsky (1468 m)

Volcano Karymsky (1468 m) is continuously active last years. It is situated in 30-40 minutes flying (MI-8) from Petropavlovsk. The strongest eruption took place in 1996.

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It was accompanied by simultaneous underwater eruption of lake Karymskoye (on January, 2, 1996) when hot deep waters thawed ice and snow of one-meter thickness.

A tsunami arose as the result of explosion and destroyed all coastal vegetation and created the new crater submitted in photos , and boiling acid water killed all fish in the lake (about 300 individuals of nerka)



Now we can see only traces of the former perturbations of the nature.

For example, Maar is a - crater of very correct form fell through with cold water.

The lake is especially attractive that fact that in its waters, on the depth of 50-60 m, there is an underwater crater of the working geothermal source still extorting hot waters.

This is one of the most unique places in the world for diving.


After the eruption near to the coastal line, new hot thermal springs and geysers arose along a deep break and the old ones became more active.




The lake, even in summertime, is not so warm, about 16-18 degrees so it is quite good to have a drink of Honey Light, with a view on mountains, sitting back in a warm pool.



There is a great interest at tourists and scientists to the host of thermophilic bacterial organisms, in abundance breeding in thermal pools /. At their painting there are all colors of a rainbow, and having concealed breath you can observe how streams sway red, yellow, olive strings.


Volcano Karymsky


But our interests are higher. Volcano Karymsky frequently attracts by the top, where with the period of 15-30 minutes roars of explosions reach from, both clubs pair and ashes rise on up to one kilometer .

A wind blows off a loop of ashes, and it spread like a freakish dragon aside from a volcano.




Volcano Karymsky, as well as the majority volcanoes on Kamchatka, is andezit that means it erupts in explosive (strombol) type, forming a correct classical cone. On the left it is good seen a viscous lava flow.



And between eruptions the crater looks surprisingly peacefully

Unfortunately you ought not to ascend volcano Karymsky.

Frequency and a direction of eruptions are completely unpredictable, and huge, up to 0,5 m in diameter, volcanic bombs sometimes roll up to the bottom.

What here to speak about the slope which continuously "lives". In general, a volcano is a volcano, though it is also a mountain.

It is the most pleasant to admire eruptions of Karymsky, sitting on a throat in warm pools (37-40 Ñ) in about 3 km to the south from the crater, in a valley of the river Karymskaya.

As the cool river flows beside, you can periodically be freshened by swimming in it, especially if “Light Kamchatka” beer run out.

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