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Mountain.RU Rock Trip
Mountain.RU Rock Contest: At support:
Rocky Festival Statute 1. Terms and place October, 6 2007 , "Red stone" Rocks, settlement Krasnokamenka, Crimea 2. Mission, vision, values, and objectives To snap all holds on the rock, climb our brains out, be drunk as an owl. In general, to have a tremendous time. 3. Contestmaster Mountain.RU 4. Realization conditions Total climbing time is 6 hours for all the participants. Sportsmen climb in pairs, belaying each other independently. Any routes of the main sector are freely permitted to climb except for "Utyug (Iron)" and the upper circle. Every climber has a registration sheet with the list of all the routes that are scored in overall standings. After sending a route by a climber any visitor of the Festival seen this climb should undersign for corresponding registration form opposite to the name of the route.
A route is considered as sent if a sportsman climbed it according to the existing rules of sending routes of complex climbing discipline (RP, OS or Flesh OS). Probably in some sectors there will be zone judges to make supervisory control and sign cards. Belayers should be only the participants of Festival. 5. Summarizing After the exit time all the participants submit the sheets to the judiciary board. The sportsmen who are leading a route have the right to end their attempt after the final time. 6. Competition schedule 5.10.07 Arrival of participants. 6.10.07 7.00 - Rising time 7.10.07 Viewing of Mountain.RU Rock Contest with mouth agape and slavering from affection. 7. Rewarding participants Prize-winners are awarded with clips, perfect abuse and, maybe, fine gifts. Individual boys are waited by individual girls.
Mountain.RU Rock Contest At support
Statute The Contest is carried out on October 5-7 2007 on "Chervona Kamenyuka (Ukr)" (a.k.a. Krasny Kamen' (Rus) and Red Stone (Eng)). 2. Contestmaster Mountain.RU 3. Mission, vision, values, and objectives Extremely humane: supervision over described below objects 4. Realization conditions Only mutants from birth or climbers mutated due to development adaptation for whatever reasons are permitted to compete in Contest. In the first day (6.10.07) - every participant will have 1-2 hours for route's approbation. Presumably, it will be a 8с-9а - graded line for Men and a 8 b-8с one - for Women. In the second day (7.10.07) every participant will have one - two hours for sending the best go on completion of the route and realization of an attempt. Maximum of attempts: three. 5. Rewarding winners First place $ 1000 Route-setter: Andrey Vedenmeer, Yalta , World-class athlete Arbiter: Igor Gusak, a. k. a. Gustav, Krematorsk-Moscow-Transit