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Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Author: Valera Rozov, Moscow

B.A.S.E. in France

July, France , Chamonix and Grenoble . These places are a real Klondike of long and high wing suit exits. Total difference of some of those is 2000 m ! And all of them have easy access. At that most of them are rather new, i.e. recently discovered. It may seem strange, that it could happen in such a famous and old base jumping region.

The truth lies in recent revolutionary changes to what wing suits and pilots can do. Wing suite itself has changed, it speed has increased. Base jumpers skills have changed – they are able to fly farther and the flight acquired of a totally different quality. Technology and psychology of exit have also changed. If before the height of 300 – 350 m was considered safe for acceleration, now the majority of good pilots jump from 200 m without any problems. All the abovementioned have led to discovery of new exits previously considered unjumpable, or to the increase of opportunities for the old exits.

Some exits lack normal intermediate landing sites. There's an acceptable place only at the very end, if you manage to flight to the bottom of the valley. Otherwise, you will have to land any place, sometimes right in the forest.

All these spices up the jumps and make them especially interesting sportingly.

Out of the blue BASE acquired a simple and easily understandable sporting component (which it always lacked) – if you have flown up to the very end, you are good, if not – go and get some more training.

Some of the most known exits of the kind: Voran, Croix de Fer, Dent de Croll.

To fly them the pilot should have level 2 or more. Average time of freefall is 1min. 20 sec. – 1 min. 40 sec.! (it's much longer than a regular skydive from 4000 m ).  With height difference of 1700 - 2000 m , a base jumper horizontal flight is 3200 - 3700 m .

We successfully jumped most of these exits. Good team, successful trip, what else can you dream about!

«Mountain Hard Wear» supported this trip of the Russian Extreme Project.

 Technical support:
- Canon
- Garmin
- Leatherman
- ParaAvis
- Oakley
- DZ «Stupino»

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