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Climb >
Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Автор:Anatoly Moshnikov, Saint Petersburg

Or a glimpse of my Aotearoa travel - the land of the long white cloud …

From time to time
The clouds give rest
To the moon beholders..

You always want to find yourself in a fairy tale, even in your dreams, especially in our prompt&practical and information&depressing time. Dreams, where something mysterious and mystical lies in wait for you and carefully guides you, bewitched, around surprising corners. I must say a priori that the charm of seeing world around depends from your soul's propensity and if you are ready to that you can meet a miracle even in habitual places, not to speak of the country where volcanoes and geysers, oceans and seas are such powerful and full of the latent energy and makes you attracted to the colorful underwater world and white foam of waves up to horizon. The fjords, versified in beauty legends, and pearly lakes changing their color within a day and, of course, the Mountains.... that you can have eyes glued on indefinitely…

I don't want to state everything in order, it seems the music sounding in my soul and giving integrity to my impressions would be broken...


To be more precisely, the one mountain - Aspiring or Tititea (3027m)- looks dazzling-pure or wonderful-white and that becomes clear when clouds recede slightly opening the top and it just hurt your eyes. The summit is not visible from the valley like hidden and kept safe from prying eyes and you should to make a hard but beautiful trek or get the Bevan Col by the helicopter and see all this beauty from above if you want to admire this mountain also called the Matterhorn of the South.

In New Zealand there are a lot of National parks where you feel as on the Earth which only was born for people without prohibited zones and where nature and man are the one and dissolved in each other and carefully concern each other preserving not roughened yet feelings and nakedness...

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