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Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Author: Vladimir Markov, Vladivostok

Ascent to the Pole “Shaman” (massif “Amur poles”)
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2

The leader is about to reach
the hanging near the top
As a result, the route to Pole Shaman was completed in two day. The aim was objected. But downwards a reconnaissance to the “White Pole” was waiting for us. The weather was favourable. We neatly fell into a stripe of an abrupt change from summer to deep autumn. Forest was changing it’s color in our sight. We had to hurry up.

It took us a day to go from the Pole to “Opitnoe pole”, with a visit to the “White Pole”. The “White Pole we found easily and adroitly. We didn’t try to find it in the forest we had decided to go to the destroyed house on the crossing on the main spring at first. I hoped that the house was situated not far from the “White Pole”. At it was true. It took 10 minutes going up from the house and then up along the range.

The Pole itself could be seen only in about 200 meters. The grandiosity of it was indescribable.
The first impression was really exciting. We walked it around, made a lot of photos, looked through the tacks of hooks left by previous groups, made a scheme of our own route through main cornices.

There were different routes to this Pole. But German Kim was worthy to bore the palm. How thoroughly he was preparing for his second expedition!

I knew a man, who climbed this Pole with the help of a pole. The idea was simple, you made a station on 2 hooks and put a pole on it, than pull it to the wall with the help of the rope. The leader went up by the pole and made the next station upwards.
Ivan Benedih leaves on Kamchatka. Once he shared his impressions from falling down from the pole with me. As for adrenalin, you got it as much as possible. We are lucky that we don’t use such a technique.

All, who was near the foot of the Pole, is dying to visit it once more. And those who reached it’s top remember this ascent with care. We want to maintain the tradition.

The way from the Pole to the road was not very pleasant – steep slope covered with forest, but the way along the road is easy.

Not far from the house I remained behind my friends. Round the turning a fun occasion happened. I saw – the guys squatted on the road and asked me by gestures to go quieter. When I reached them, the y told me that some meters forward them there was a bear small bear on the road. The guys didn’t want to make it afraid. But the bear scented them, so I didn’t see it. The place justified it’s name “The bear’s reserve”.

If there were 6 of us we wouldn’t feel rucksacks at all, but as our group consisted of three persons they let us know them. I had my shoulders broken. On the way back we found ourselves in the stripe of cold autumn. It was raining the wind was blowing, on stops – cold. We had an opportunity not to go to Amur but to make a camp on the road. But we didn’t have a desire to sleep in wet clothes and it was still a question what was waiting for us the next day. So, we decided to go up to the end.

The last two kilometers were very difficult. Ischenko, as real Ivan Susanin declared that we were on the wrong way. And that we had already passed “Opitnoe pole”. As for me, I completely relied on Sergey.
Lately in the evening we reached “Opitnoe pole” and stopped for the night-pass in a hay-loft. It was blown through, but it was better than to make a tent.
In the morning we saw a huge wasp's nest above, and the insects were as large as real hornets, 3 stings and it is not necessary to carry you somewhere. They got up early. It wasn’t interesting to put on clothes near such neighbors.

We dug our “furs” out, found a cutter and crossed the river. Then a bus, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Sergey Kopilov’s flat, way by train to Vladivostok.

So, that’s all. The plans to go to this region are in presence. We will go to the “White Pole” and guide the young there. It is necessary to remember by own work those who subdued this giant. I am disinterestedly envious to them. The Pole is cool.

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