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Dean Potter: I NEED HELP!

Dean Potter, photo by Leonid Kozlov
Dear everyone,
Patagonia is being flooded with complaints by people who are saying I broke the law, hurt the environment and disrespected nature by free soloing Delicate Arch. None of those accusations are true, but people keep repeating them. It would help morale and give a balanced set of comments if they heard from people who support judgments based on fact. Here are the facts. You would be doing me and Steph a favor if you would either put this message in your own words or just copy and paste it into an email, then send it to the CEO of Patagonia: Additionally, if you have time, a phone call would be great. The free number is 1-888-344-4567 x4802.
Please keep it short if you do call...."I support Dean and his climb of Delicate Arch. It's in line with Patagonia 100%."

Also, please forward this to other people you know who would send this message. The more the better, as there have been a lot of complainers.
Thanks, Dean

"I object to the criticism of Dean's climb of Delicate Arch. It was not illegal. No harm was done to the rock. It is unfair and libelous to criticize Dean on the basis of inaccurate reports and unsubstantiated opinions. I respect Dean's no impact climbing style, and I think it is completely in line with Patagonia's strong environmental ethics. Thank you for supporting Dean."

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