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Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Author: Olga Bibik, Krasnoyarsk
Photo: Olga Bibik, Evgeny Bashkirtsev

Bulgaria. World Cup: BOULDERING 2ND ROUND. Champion's Impressions
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Olga Bibik. Impressions after World Cup in Birmingham

If you are greatly reduced by any reason and became cold, Bulgaria is the very place for you. It is warm, cheap there, unlimited shopping, ethnic cuisine (in abundance and for little money). Taxi drivers just hit on you when leave on the street. It's 1,5 dollars to get h from one end of the city to another Veliko Tarnovo is a singularly beautiful city. I would even compare it to the Italian Arko, but the scale is larger.


Not only I would like to pin Jacky Godoffe's (M.Ru Comment: he is the route setter) ears back: but all French team came at him in fury after qualification to the final and practically beat him and wet with water.

He just made a bungle of semifinal... Well, and a good marksman may miss.

Olga Bibik
After the quarter-final I slightly drew tight psychologically as I had not climbed two rather simple problems which I should have climbed.
And became only the 16-th (M.Ru Comment: in total 20 participants are permitted to compete in the final), but due to meditations and fans’ support I managed to bring back mental approach and then to feel great security... Though all the girls were a little disappointed by the semifinal. Only two problems appeared to be climbed. And on the first one only two of us managed to start (to make the first move).

Of course after SUCH first task one feels utterly discouraged. The sportsmen being confined in the isolation zone practically could not hear spectator cheers that caused fears and total bewilderment.

Julia Abramchuk
Anna Shtohr reached the final with three bonus points: I can not remember such situation for a long time past... For example, in Birmingham all the problems were climbed both in the quarter- and semifinal, and finally in the final. You should have made three problems from four to be qualified to the final.

A lot of spectators gathered to watch the final rout. The music sounded louder, the problems were more cheerful: it was more pleasant to climb them. In general, the final turned out well.

Features of Godoffe's problems: the problems in the semi and final got a lot of slopes, wide rather unequivocal moves. The motto: even a bundle of straws can be broken by force!

Olga Bibik. Final
In the final he righted himself a little (at least, in my opinion). The problems were more real. We did not feel like full laymen and even could to climb a little. With different planes and positive edges they were easier but all the same contained wide pulling movements.

Isolation zone. Angela Eiter and Olga Bibik
Angela Eiter surprised with her presence on a bouldering cup event and added fuel to the fire. She is unreal strong and light and conceded strength and endurance to all of us (she chalked her hands at places where the others could hardly hold). But without dynamic and with short of stature as it turned out in bouldering a sportsman takes some handling.

Olga Shalagina
It was very pleasant, that the tree girls from six qualified to the final were Russians (we count Olga Shalagina too ). We would hardly have done CIS-PODIUM. May be next time.

Salavat Rakhmetov
We were very pleased with participation of Russian men in Veliko Tarnovo: Salavat Rakhmetov, Rustam Gelmanov, Dmitry Sharafutdinov, Evgeny Bashkirtsev (there were no Russian guys in Birmingham. Everybody asked: “Where are your men?”). It was especially pleasant fact that they all of them except of Evgeny got to the semifinal. Many eminent bouldering climbers did not manage to do that.

In result, Salavat became the unique Russian qualified to the final.

Evgeny Bashkirtsev

Olga Bibik. Final

Olga Bibik. Final

What is it?

Jerome Meyer


Julia Abramchuk . Final

Julia Abramchuk . Final

Julia Abramchuk . Final

Kilian Fischhuber

Loic Gaidioz

Loic Gaidioz

Loic Gaidioz

Loic Gaidioz . Final

Matthias Muller

Olga Bibik. Final

Remi Samyn

Rustam Gelmanov

Salavat Rakhmetov


Salavat. Final



Dmitry Sharafutdinov

You used to present me roses...


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The coach of Russian national team - A.E.Piratinsky
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